FB_TDP Five Behaviors® Team Development Profile (Online)
Helps participants better understand themselves, the personalities on their team, and how they can effectively work together. The purpose of this assessment is to build cohesiveness within intact teams. Based on the work of Patrick Lencioni’s international best-seller The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Five Behaviors® Powered by Everything DiSC® helps teams apply The Five Behaviors® model of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results to drive team effectiveness and productivity. The program uses Everything DiSC, a tool that helps build effective team communication and relationships, to help participants understand their individual DiSC® style and discover how each style brings value to the team. (35 EPIC Credits). Annotated version included with Profile results.
See Five Behaviors® Team Development Profile SAMPLE
See Team Development Profle ANNOTATED VERSION (Excellent for facilitators)