DiSC - Interaction Between Styles - i (Influence) with C (Conscientious)

Posted by Bill Harshman on

Being familiar with the DiSC styles will help you be able to respond and keep communication moving forward.  Understanding yourself better is the first step to becoming more effective when working with others. However, as I’ve maintained, it is equally important to understanding the “other” styles with which you are dealing.  In today’s blog, we look at someone with the primary style of i interacting with an individual whose primary style is C.

DiSC  -  I with C Interaction

As an i (Influence) style, you thrive on Enthusiasm, Action, and Collaboration.  To you, others with the C (Conscientious) style may appear:

  • Analytical
  • Reserved
  • Precise
  • Private
  • Systematic

The C is motivated by:  opportunities to use expertise or gain knowledge, and attention to quality.  Their priorities include:  ensuring accuracy, maintaining stability, and challenging assumptions. The C most likely prefers working in a stable environment where they can ensure reliable outcomes.  NOTE:  When it comes to PACE and PRIORITY, the C has a reserved, cautious, more deliberate PACE which is dissimilar to that of the i.  (This difference may require what we call a little "STRETCHING" (flexing, adapting) from either or both parties when interacting.)  The i will probably admire the C’s ability to work tirelessly toward an accurate outcome.  The C has a task-oriented and questioning / skeptical PRIORITY which is also dissimilar to the i.  Again, there exists the potential for stretching.  These two styles exist on opposite quadrants of our PACE-PRIORITY grid.  This might help you visualize (and be open to) the differences between the i and the C and what increased awareness might be required for successful interactions.

As an i style, suppose you work with a C style.  To the i, that C person seems overly focused on quality and accuracy, and frequently checks their work two or more times before being satisfied.  As an i style, you make bold decisions and you may find the C to be too cautious and even overanalyzes big decisions.  Summary:  the C style is more concerned with cautious pace and accurate task completion, and is less oriented with fast pace and people interaction as is the i.


HUMOR:  An i with a C on a Road Trip

The i gets behind the wheel and says, “HI THERE!  How are you?  I’m looking forward to our adventure.  We’ll have a chance to chat and get to know each other better.  I sooooo want to hear about your cats.  Oh wait, I forgot my keys.”

The C gets in the car and says (without a greeting), “I brought the map . . . hardcopy AND digital.  Do you have a full tank?  If you tell me what kind of mileage do you get, I can calculate our range and where we should stop for gas.  Based on my calculations, we should arrive in 3 hours 17 minutes”. 

 The i thinks quietly . . . “I can’t wait to stop for lunch.  Oh, I should have checked the map AND the gas before we started.  No problem.  This will be fun.” 

As an i style, I hope this humorous scenario helps provide more insight into your style AND/OR the C styles in your world and provides a broader understanding as to “what makes for a successful interaction”. 

As ALWAYS, the key to effectiveness through DiSC is understanding your and others’ styles and then using that knowledge for improved interactions.

If you would like a live, complimentary webinar (online) for your team or organization, please send an email to info@traininglocation.com.  If you’d like to purchase the DiSC, visit DiSC Classic or Everything DiSC at our website.  And, check out our products from The Ken Blanchard Companies as well.

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