Everything DiSC® - Interaction Between Styles: (C)onscientious with (C)onscientious

Posted by William Harshman on

In today’s blog, we look at someone with the primary style of C (Conscientious) interacting with an individual whose primary style is ALSO C (Conscientious).

C with C

As a C (Conscientious) style, you thrive on ensuring accuracy, maintaining stability, and challenging assumptions.  The C style is motivated by opportunities to use expertise or gain knowledge combined with attention to quality. 

The C observes others with the C style as:

  • Logical
  • Systematic
  • Reliable
  • Analytical

As a C, suppose you work with a C.  People with the C style would often rather focus on facts than feelings, and this might affect the way you relate to one another.  They probably appreciate that you also tend to stay on task and leave personal matters out of the discussion.  Furthermore, because you both focus on logic more than relationships (and neither of you is likely to push for more openness), communication between you will probably be more restricted and polite. 

We learned in previous webinars that there is much more to style identification and that there are at least two ways in which even similar styles may differ; they are inclination and proximity.

Suppose we find the results of Everything DiSC® of two employees are C and “C”, respectively.  Let’s focus on the interaction between them.  We see in the model above that one C primary style (let’s call him Bob) has a “strong” inclination (at the outer edge of our circle) while having equal proximity to the neighboring D & S quadrants.

We see that the second “C” primary style (let’s call her Jill) has a slight inclination” (at the inner edge of our circle), while also having equal (but much closer) proximity to the D & S quadrants.  In this example, it means that Jill has more neighboring D & S influence on her primary C style than does Bob.

We can also see what the PACE & PRIORITY model looks like overlaid on our Everything DiSC® model.  Remember, these two C’s share a cautious & reflective PACE and a questioning & skeptical PRIORITY.

Bob is in the lower third of the vertical PACE continuum and in the left third of the horizontal PRIORITY continuum.  Jill is almost in the middle of both the PACE and the PRIORITY continua.  In fact, she’s basically in the center of the Everything DiSC model. 

Bob’s dot is near the outer edge of the circle which means he’s strongly inclined and will probably relate well to the characteristics associated with the C style.  Bob is quite cautious and wants to avoid mistakes by thinking things through before making choices.  It may be stressful for Bob to make a decision when the outcome is unpredictable or if he doesn’t have enough information.  He may overanalyze a situation and seek an unrealistic level of certainty.  Bob may become annoyed when people don’t adhere to accepted rules and guidelines.

Jills dot location near the center of the circle indicates she is slightly inclined and probably relates to the characteristics of the D, I, and S styles to some extent, with the C style being most natural for her.  She’s probably fairly systematic, and may enjoy creating standards that help bring about high-quality outcomes.  Jill is probably more understanding when other people like a more spontaneous approach, however you still probably prefer a greater sense of control and stability than the D, I, and/or S.  Jill may quietly respect accepted rules and guidelines.

My point here is that even these two similar styles from the same quadrant may require some stretching from one or both people.  This tool has key implications in peer-to-peer, manager to non-manager, Team Manager to Team, and salesperson to customer interactions.

When a C needs to be more effective with another C, they may want to focus on the shared need for objectivity, yet avoid relating EVERYTHING to tasks and logic.  Thought it takes effort, they may want to allow time to get to know each other better to avoid misunderstandings.  And, you both prefer to work independently, however remain open to project collaboration.

Both C’s tend to overanalyze when it comes to problems.  Your way may be ONE of the “right ways”.  When problem solving, consider the following:

  • Set a timeline for solution-finding
  • Stay focused on a mutually acceptable solution
  • Avoid the desire to work independently over the need to communicate

One more thing.  Sometimes things get tense.  Because people the C style views conflict as a disagreement over who is correct, the two may avoid direct aggression and focus on intellectually challenging the argumentative reasoning.  I call these “logic wars”.  You may want to consider one or more of the following strategies:

  • Focus on conflict resolution and not or being right
  • Avoid deciding on who is more logical
  • Withdrawal is not an option. Clear resolution should be the focus.

 DiSC® Humor:  C with C Road Trip:

The first C gets in the car and says (without a greeting), “I brought the map . . . hardcopy AND digital.  My GPS continually recalculates if any issues arise so we can keep moving.  Buckle up.  No riders without seat belts.  I’ll just check the map one more time before we begin.  Shut the door.  We’re already 2 minutes late on departure time.”

The second C gets in their car and says, “Got it.  I’ve been here for 9 minutes.  Did you check the tires?” 

Whatever your style, I hope this humorous exchange provides more insight into your style AND/OR the other styles in your world and provides a broader understanding as to “what makes for successful interaction.” 

As ALWAYS, the key to effectiveness through DiSC® is understanding your and others’ styles and then using that knowledge for improved interactions.

If you would like a live, complimentary webinar (online) for your team or organization, please send an email to info@traininglocation.com.  If you’d like to purchase the DiSC®, visit  DiSC® Classic or Everything DiSC® at our website.  And, check out our products from The Ken Blanchard Companies as well.


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