All about DiSC®

Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ Profile

Posted by William Harshman on

Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ Profile

Most of us rely on familiar responses not because they’re the best choices, but because they’re what we know.  If there were only a way, we could navigate outside our comfort zone so that we could choose the most effective response every time.  Well, there IS a tool that helps you do that!

 Introducing Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™.  As you guessed, it uses Everything DiSC® as the engine.  Agile EQ™ provides a simple way to understand yourself and the kinds of EQ that may come naturally to you.  Mind you, we talk about your DiSC® style in terms of “what comes naturally to you”, while illuminating “what comes as a stretch to you”.  That’s what we call Agility.

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Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile

Posted by William Harshman on

Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile
Everything DiSC Workplace®

The Everything DiSC® model is a simple tool used by people to connect better. Everything DiSC® is used by all the Wiley applications, including: Workplace®, Agile EQ™, Productive Conflict, Work of Leaders®, Management, Sales, and 363® for Leaders. The Everything DiSC® report uses your assessment results to provide a wealth of information about your workplace priorities and preferences. However, you also learn about colleagues whose priorities and preferences differ from yours.  

What if we had our needs and preferences written all over us? 
-Just the Facts
-Less micromanagement
-Social interaction
-Listens to others

If there were only a way we could decode or decipher that information. Well, there IS a tool that helps you do that!
It’s called the Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile. 
The profile is built around the time-tested DiSC model. This amazing tool pinpoints your specific dot on the Everything DiSC map and provides you with work-centered priorities that are unique to you

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Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile - The 8 Priorities

Posted by William Harshman on

Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile  -  The 8 Priorities

In today’s blog, we’ll learn about the PRIORITIES as they relate to the Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile. (The other Everything DiSC® Profiles have their own, unique priorities.)  The Everything DiSC Workplace® application is intended for a broad audience of working adults and is designed to:

  • Help people understand their personality
  • Help people better understand their colleagues
  • Provide tips and guidance for improving their relationships

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Everything DiSC® - Interaction Between Styles: (C)onscientious with (C)onscientious

Posted by William Harshman on

Everything DiSC® - Interaction Between Styles: (C)onscientious with (C)onscientious

As a C (Conscientious) style, you thrive on ensuring accuracy, maintaining stability, and challenging assumptions.  The C style is motivated by opportunities to use expertise or gain knowledge combined with attention to quality. 

The C observes others with the C style as:

  • Logical
  • Systematic
  • Reliable
  • Analytical

As a C, suppose you work with a C.  People with the C style would often rather focus on facts than feelings, and this might affect the way you relate to one another.  They probably appreciate that you also tend to stay on task and leave personal matters out of the discussion.  Furthermore, because you both focus on logic more than relationships (and neither of you is likely to push for more openness), communication between you will probably be more restricted and polite. 

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Everything DiSC® - Interaction Between Styles: Conscientious with Steady

Posted by William Harshman on

Everything DiSC® -  Interaction Between Styles:  Conscientious with Steady

As a C (Conscientious) style, you thrive on ensuring accuracy, maintaining stability, and challenging assumptions.  The C style is motivated by opportunities to use expertise or gain knowledge combined with attention to quality. 

The S (Steady) style thrives on stable environments, sincere appreciation, cooperation, and opportunities to help.  They want everyone to “get along”, and to NOT be the source of disappointment or letting people down.

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